Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vacation Pictures!

Hey it's Grimmy! Longtime, no post, I know - sorry! Rin and I have been pretty busy lately. We went to two conventions (which we might get around to posting pictures of EVENTUALLY), but we are back home now and working on more products.

I just got back from vacation with my family a few weeks ago, we went to the Smokey Mountains. I saw some pretty cute things there, and I wanted to share them with you~!

One of the first places I visited was called The Old Mill. It was really pretty, and most of the shops sold items that were either made at the Mill or locally.

Candy Kitchen was so adorable!

I was pining after this fudge my entire trip!


ha ha


Another place we visited was The Incredible Christmas Place. And it certainly was incredible! And a little overwhelming, honestly. It was practically a Christmas themed shopping center, with a gift shop, a restaurant, a candy shop, and a huge ornament shop.

There were a lot of birds there, yay!

There was a sign in front of this one showing the phrases it could say. We tried for a long time, but it wouldn't speak. T_T

My cute nephew says "Look!"

Its Santa and his reindeer!

Lovely Cotton Candy trees.

I was getting pretty upset because I was nearing the end of the store and still hadn't seen a sweet theme! Luckily, my Aunt spotted these.

And I promptly took dopey pictures with it. 

These guys are cousins to our Lollipop couple.

We also went to Gatlinburg a couple of times. It was ultimately a huge tourist place, but I found a few really cute items! And some amusing ones as well.

I really regret not buying this little guy.

Food magnets! That pizza looks so gross...

Everyone needs some of these!

Stay tuned! We have more post planned, ones that actually pertain to hardcandy house, ha ha.

Stay sweet!

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