Saturday, February 4, 2012

Quick Outfit Post~

Not cats tonight, just some pictures of what I'm wearing! But first...

**IMPORTANT: We still have not received any response from our giveaway winners! If we do not receive any response by the 8th, we will pick new winners. So I urge you - go check your (Google Friend Connect) e-mails! You may just be the lucky winner!**

Rin and I are going to a friend's birthday dinner tonight, and I'm a bit dressed up~ I don't usually post outfits here, since my style is more rock / gal, and hch is more cutesy. However, I am wearing quite a few handmade items, and I thought I'd share!

Taken in the hch workroom - which is almost completely done. Still a few things left to unpack.

What I'm wearing:
Headband: handmade
Necklace: handmade
Shirt: altered
Cardigan: Mudd ( it had been $60 - got it for $12!)
Shorts: Forever 21
Socks: Apt 9
Shoes: Simply Vera

 I made this necklace and headband for my sister for Christmas.

 And I altered this top. It was originally two tops I got from a thrift store.

A close up of the headband. I think its so cute! Too bad headbands hurt my head ):

Have a lovely evening!


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